a collaboration of all things horticulture. From landscape design + build, to container gardening, to horticultural therapy, WGW's mission is to provide professional horticultural products and services, as well as educational and therapeutic horticultural sessions.
an inclusive community. WGW welcomes a wide range of people and respects their personal identities, including socioeconomics, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, and family composition. Wheaton Garden Works Company accepts ALL.
a safe place to learn and grow. Our goal is to offer everyone the opportunity to experience the benefits of horticulture in their daily lives. From plant, pest and disease identification, to monthly horticultural therapy sessions, our professional staff is an excellent resource to answer any plant related questions or concerns.
a network of gardening related creators, artists and entrepreneurs. Our online shop will offer handmade and original plant and gardening themed books, home decor, tools, jewelry, candles, and so much more.